I love a date night, but what others consider a date night may be different to what I consider one, Why is that you ask? Short answer is gaming together can be seen as just a hobby but for me it can be seen as both hobby and the perfect way to spend the evening. A lot of games my partner and I play happen to be single player games, finding ones we can play together as a couple or for friends to play together is one of the best ways to spend my night, below I have compiled a list of games couples and friends will have a blast playing together:
Little Big Planet has been a big part of my life ever since It first came out. I originally got it so I could play online with my sister as we were miles apart and it made us feel closer especially when we played games together growing up. Sackboy has the same kind of concept as the original games which draws me in. When I saw that Sackboy: A Big Adventure was being released all them old memories came back and reminded me just how bad I was at LBP when I first got it, this game is currently on my wishlist so I don't own the game yet but I have played it at my brother in laws with my nephew and it was a blast, I was pretty rusty at it if I'm honest with you! Sackboy is a 3D platform game same as its predecessors but this time we get to learn more about Sackboy there are new mechanisms and surprises along the way. Available on: PS4/PS5
I started this game with my friend Matt and I was blown away by just how brilliant it was, I went into it not expecting much and about 2 hours in fell in love with how the game worked, It Takes Two tells the tale of a couple struggling and wanting to get a divorce, their daughter acts like she's ok with the ordeal but clearly isn't, something strange occurs and turns her parents into dolls, can they work together to turn back into their human form? Who knows! The game is an action adventure game with an platform elements. There are puzzles to solve and bosses blocking your way back to your daughter, the storyline has already me got me wondering what will come next. If you enjoyed It Takes Two make sure you also give A Way Out a try. Available on: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S, Microsoft Windows.

Moving Out is a game soloy based around on helping people move out, working as a team you can achieve this faster but there are obstacles in your way, there is a choice to enjoy it in solo mode or co-op. The game is set in a birds eye view that looks down on your objective and can get chaotic very fast, you're part of the moving company Smooth Movers but at times things can get very wrong and far from smooth, there is an assist mode for those who are just starting out or those who need a little bit of help, customise your characters, try and beat the clock and get the job done before time runs out. Available on: PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Microsoft Windows, Macintosh operating systems, Xbox One.
The Jackbox Party games are an interesting one that I felt stood out a lot more for when it comes to playing games as a group of people, since 2014 the developers have released a number of games with different objectives which can be played on a smartphone or a web-enabled device, you can buy party packs or the games on their own but each have a different genre such as drawing, murder solving and even a monster dating sim that determines your chances of surviving a relationship with a monster. These types are games are perfect for friend groups who just want to have a laugh without worrying about going against bosses in a video game. Available on: Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Android (selected systems), Apple TV
Another puzzle solving game thats is absolutely adorable is Unravel which also has a sequel so if you finish playing the first one together you can start the second one right away, you play as two Yarnys which are basically characters made from yarn (as if that wasn't obvious enough). Work together with the use of the yarn attached to you to puzzle solve and find your way to the ending, both games are gorgeous and the music feels very relaxing, I'm yet to play them but I have watched gameplay many times on Twitch and YT, I don't want to give too much away from either story as it's important people get to experience this one for themselves. Available on: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Microsoft Windows
I was going to add Minecraft but everyone adds that as a co-op game and instead I went with Terraria, my sister has played this game for years and has always spoken highly of it, much like Minecraft this is an exploration game where you can craft, build and face combat, the 2D graphics are adorable! From what I have been told, it's a pretty big game with lots to discover which can be done alone or with a friend by your side, as well as joining other peoples servers, the game has a lot to offer and can make for hours of fun. Available on: Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation Vita, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, macOS, Linux, Nintendo, 3DS, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Google Stadia.
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