Disclaimer: This product was sent to me for free in exchange for a review, all opinions are my own for more info please check out my contact & disclaimer. I'm not a doctor nor do I claim to be, all my thoughts within this post are mine and mine alone, If you are having persistent problems with your eyes or headaches please see a medical professional.
I was kindly asked if I wanted to review a pair of *Spektrum Prospek Blue Filter Glasses, I was able to choose the ones I liked best. Before I did choose I showed Sarah and we both agreed on the same two pairs but out of the two I ended up going for the Artist glasses. I did a blog post the other week on blue light and what it was exactly so here is a little recap for you all "Blue light is a colour that is part of the visible light spectrum seen by the human eye which can be dangerous, light is made up of these things callled electromagnetic particles which travel in waves, these are waves are what emit energy and each have a range of strength and length, the shorter one of these wavelengths are the higher in energy, blue light has a short wave length which means that produces a higher amount of energy and the more exposore you have to blue light the more at risk you are to damage to your eyes" To read more about blue light click here. (Natural blue light is ok, so not all blue light is bad).
I spend a lot of time in front of screens mostly my phone and it's not healthy especially for your eyes but as a blogger and gamer it can be hard to avoid how much time I spend in front of a screen and the amount of blue light I'm looking at, that's where Spektrum Prospek glasses come into this they come in different types, to block out 50% of blue light or 99% of blue light, mine block out 50% so they arent as strong as the others you can purchase such as the Elite glasses and clip on which are 99% strength and are for people who are very sensitive to blue light. The glasses Spektrum sell that block out 50% of blue light are for those who use them during the day as blue light has less of an effect on your eyes this time of day rather than an evening when it's stronger, these glasses look like a normal pair of prescription glasses as you can see below with me wearing them.
When they arrived they came in a white box that was very well sealed so took me about 5 minutes to get into it without using scissors. When I finally got it open inside was a glasses case with a plastic sleeve over it and a sleeve with product information on around the box, the glasses case is of a great quality it's not flimsy and is solid with a fabric feel all over. The box was easy to open just pop the lid up and inside there were my glasses sitting perfectly, they hadn't got damaged during transport which is something that usually happens where I live so the glasses case protects them very well.

I picked up the glasses to find how lightweight they were which is a good thing for me, I have another pair of gaming glasses which are bulkier and heavier and they tend to push on the back of my ears which I found my Prospek Artist glasses didn't. I tested out how much the lens smudged by putting my fingertips on them throughout gameplay, they didn't smudge too badly and I was still able to see fine even with a little smudge on them, but for when they do become too smudged the glasses do come with a lens cloth. They have helped me be able to have longer gaming sessions and concentrate better when looking at a screen, I tend to get very fatigued at times and although I still do I can have longer periods of time gaming now. The Artist glasses are 100% UVA and UVB light blocking which is an upside to wearing them outside, they have a yellow tint to them which isn't as bright as their 99% strength glasses, some other features they have are:
- Anti Scratch Coating
- Anti Reflective Coating
- Anti Fog Coating
- Anti Screen Filter and Anti Glare Coating
- Anti Fog Coating
- Fingerprint Resistant Anti Oil Coating
Below I have rated the glasses on comfort, design, and price, my opinion on each of these are what I felt not everyone may agree but I was impressed with these glasses as you can probably tell:
As I mentioned before these glasses aren't heavy and don't push on the back of my ears, as someone who gets headaches from even wearing headbands because they push on the back of my ears I would say these glasses are perfectly lightweight for me, they don't come with nose pads but they don't tend to rub me on my nose so I don't see it as a problem.
Seeing as I chose which design I wanted when it came to these glasses I wasn't disappointed at all, the size of the lenses fit my face fine and suit me really well as everyone keeps telling me, they have a cool print around the edges which makes them stand out a bit more. They still look quirky and cool in pictures as well as in real life and I like wearing them.
These are some of the most affordable blue light filter glasses I have come across, they have a great variety of glasses as it and they are all reasonably priced, for people who are on a budget I would say they are perfect, the artist pair which I'm wearing is available for £34.95 from Amazon.
Spektrum have obviously done a great job at protecting their glasses at all costs and providing their customers with as much safety on their eyes at an affordable price. My overall rating for these glasses has to be:
On their main website, they state they ship to Canada and America and if you wish to have your glasses delivered outside the area to contact them, lucky enough they are also on Amazon as I stated which do ship to the UK which is where I am.
Elle May
Elle - these glasses are so cute! For all gamers that don't know the science behind blue light and how it affects are sleep (especially after playing a game for 12 hours straight) check out http://www.sleepxp.com/category/blue-light-filters/blue-light-filter-advice.