Gaming is a huge part of my life, I enjoy it and I see nothing wrong with unwinding on a game. I've been called childish for playing games but who cares, we all have hobbies right? I mostly play Destiny and Fallout4 and I recommend them highly! I would love to have my own gaming PC or laptop but unfortunately, I don't have the money nor space for a PC. I own a PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and a Nindento 3DS, unfortunately, most all my consoles but the PS4 have gone unused for a number of months now, that's not to say I don't enjoy playing them because I do! I might give Heavy Rain and Ni No Kuni another play through on my PS3 soon, seeing as they are coming to PS4!

I love crafting it's been something I have done since I was little, my sisters and I would sit and make jewellery with beads from the huge bead sets our parents got us for Christmas. The kind of crafting I enjoy doing now is garland making, I use to have my own shop but stopped due to my health and an unwarranted bit of hate from another crafter. My favourite garlands I have made are my flower cat ear headbands, I find them adorably sweet and they soon anyone.

This is an obvious one, I normally sit on my bed with my kindle reading, I'm currently reading reasons to stay alive. It's actually a really good book, especially for those like me who suffer with depression, in fact it's also a great read for those who aren't so understanding of depression. The kind of books I tend to enjoy are historical, fantasy and crime books, I'm not a big fan on romance as they all seem to be a bit rhetorical. One of my favourite crime/murder books is a book called Natural Causes by James Oswald set in Scotland, I don't want to say too much about it as I don't want to give anything away.
I have put on weight since having my coil in and find it hard to work out as it is, so when I know it's a bed day I try my best to do some gentle yoga. It makes me feel a little better about being active, I have a yoga matt which I use for when I'm out of bed, I love the fact that I can do my yoga just as well as on the matt as on my bed. Lately, I haven't been able to do as much Yoga as I have wanted so It's took a back seat in my life until I get this coil removed, once I'm feeling up to it I will get back on track with my yoga and losing weight.
Picture Editing.
This is one thing I could sit and do for hours, but only when I'm inspired. Sometimes I hit a wall and I'm unable to think of what to blog about but other times the ideas come to me all at once so I have to write the down and get my laptop out (or write a draft on the blogger app on my phone). I'm not sure what gave me the idea to do this post but I thought it would be nice to share!I don't always like getting my laptop out so I would love it if the blogger app was a bit better and allowed me to edit my blog post properly but alas I doubt that will happen. My sister is to blame for my blogging, I couldn't thank her more because it has in a way changed my life and helped me deal with things head on, being open about depression has helped me pinpoint what has been effecting me the most.
Elle May x
Aw yes!
ReplyDeleteAnother girl gamer in the blogging community, this makes me happy! I also have a Nintendo & PS4! :D
Yes holly!! We are a rare lot haha what you been playing lately? I really want elderscrolls! X
DeleteFor PS4 I've been loving Brothers : A tale of two sons, Shadow of Mordor and I've just ordered Adventure time haha (don't judge) :P
DeletePretty into Zelda for my Nintendo! :)
Do you have any other reccomensations? X
Adventure time is awesome! Why would I judge lol! I would say get battlefront, fallout4 and destiny but the issue with destiny is it gets very repetitive. I'm going to borrow the order off of my boyfriend tomorrow, I really want shadow or mordor and I want to get the division when it comes out! I started mad max the other month I'm not sure if I like it that much tbh, probably because I'm crap at it 😂 I want Bloodborne and AC syndicate too, why are games so expensive?? Xx
ReplyDeleteAh. One thing I hate is when people say your lazy but your actually not well, something I get quite a lot. I'm not a gamer but I do enjoy having a go at my brothers Xbox when he's out :) x
Katie x